Stableton Unicorn Index AMC: OpenAI | SpaceX | Revolut | Anthropic | Databricks | Discord | Epic Games | Stripe | Canva | & more

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Unicorn investments ‑ capturing growth and innovation

Did you think investing in privately‑held unicorn companies was the privilege of investors with millions and connections? Not anymore! The Stableton Unicorn Index AMC turns you into a virtual venture capitalist. Only available for Swiss residents.

Conditions & Pricing

*Excluding third‑party fees, stamp duty, if any, and real‑time fees

Product details

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This Certificate seeks to achieve the performance of the Morningstar® PitchBook® Unicorn Select 20 Index™ over a period of time. The product seeks to invest in the 20 largest privately held venture backed companies from developed markets with a valuation of $1 billion or more.

The product is designed to help investors diversify their portfolios by providing cost effective exposure to the world's most innovative and high growth privately held companies, which are otherwise not accessible.


Monthly balance sheet and outlook

Take a look at our monthly report for information on performance and future prospects.


Private market investments in unicorns ‑ opportunities and risks for investors.


Product details


The Morningstar index

General information


1. Long‑Term Private Equity Performance: 2000 to 2021, CAIA Association, 20 July, 2022
2. The Morningstar® Developed Markets Target Market Exposure Index™: https://indexes.morningstar.com/indexes/details/morningstar‑developed‑markets‑target‑market‑exposure‑FS0000F5ZR?tab=overview. The Morningstar® PitchBook® Unicorn Select 20 Index™: Find more information at https://www.stableton.com/unicorns. The index data will also be published on the Morningstar page beginning of June.